Pentecost is a Christian holy day commemorating the descent of the Holy Ghost upon the disciples of Jesus Christ and the birth of the church, according to the New Testament of the Bible. It is also known as Whitsunday, or Whit Sunday. Pentacost means “fiftieth” indicating, originally, 50 days after the Passover Feast and, for Christians, 50 days after the Resurrection (or Easter Sunday).
My only relation to the concept growing up were people who went to the Pentacostal Church, and for us Baptists, it had an air of the supernatural around it that made some people uncomfortable. It made me extreeeeemly interested. And it was quite true: Pentacost is a day of flat-out jaw-dropping Source-created “How Ya Like Me Now?” supernatural wind and fire and tongues. People were so affected that 3000 people that day converted in mass Baptisms.
The Day of Pentecost
4 minutes. A dramatic re-enactment of just the Pentacost event taken from Roma Downey’s “Resurrection” (2021). Very affecting.
Pentecost — Catholic Central
1.5 minutes long. That dude is young John Travolta before Zenu ate him. Very simple and it explains the event succinctly.
The Day of Pentecost (The Coming of the Holy Spirit)
3 minutes. Another dramatic re-enactment. Very good — except their depiction of the fires is a little less than accurate.
What Happened at Pentecost and Why It's Important
6 minutes long. Excellent. Great animation, great script and narration.
Understanding Pentecost and the Feast of Weeks
11 minutes. Realistic historical backstory back to Moses and forward to Pentacost. Excellent graphic of the 2nd Temple, built atop Mt. Moriah. It’s important to remember that Jesus, post crucifixion, appeared to and taught the disciples for 40 days. On the fiftieth day, at Pentacost (it means fiftieth) the covenant of those baptized and the gift of the Holy Ghost (a member of the Godhead) allows the redeemed to enter into the presence of God.
Pentecost Explained in 3 Minutes (with puppets!)
3 minutes. Very charming. Pentacost is the end of the Easter Season, 50 days after Easter Sunday. It is considered the day of the birth of the Church. The disciples were also given the gift of tongues with the gift of the Holy Spark of the Holy Spirit. Jesus’ promise to them was kept.
The Amazing Story of Holy Spirit at Pentecost (Acts 2) — Bible Stories for Kids
6 minutes long.
Pentecost for Kids: The Holy Spirit Comes - Acts 2 Bible Story
5 minutes long. Conventional and sufficient. Good animation.
Everything you need to know about Pentecost
“Superbook” — “The Day of Pentacost”. (S3E2)
2 stories. 26 minutes long.
The full “SUPERBOOK” Catalogue. Terrific scripts. Great animation. An amazing way to learn.
12,000 people take the biblical plunge in the largest baptism in US history.
Just sayin’.